Iveco Milaan

IVECO BUS to supply 153 electric buses to ATM in Milan

21 December 2023

Italian Azienda Trasporti Milanesi S.p.A. (ATM), Milan's public transport company, has placed an order at IVECO BUS for 153 electric buses. The contract, worth more than 120 million euros, is part of ATM's strategic plan to offer increasingly sustainable and accessible mobility. The roder is part of ATM's Full Electric plan: by 2026, half of the buses in service in Milan will be electric.

ATM is committed to converting its entire urban fleet to 1,200 electric buses and making necessary changes in the surrounding ecosystem, which include the renewal of depots and the creation of new facilities that will be fully integrated into the design of the city. The tender for the new buses comprises 153 new 12-metre electric buses and their full-service maintenance for ten years.

The first deliveries are expected by the first quarter of 2025 and all the remaining buses are to be delivered by June 2026. Over the years, IVECO BUS has contributed to Milan’s mobility and today its vehicles constitute 45% of the entire ATM fleet (550 buses out of 1,200).