Our media friends that help promote your products
Media partners
We love our media partners, and they love Busworld!
Austria - 1 Bus
Russia - Abiznews.net
Togo - AfriqueIT
Egypt - Alam El Syarat
Spain - Atuc
Egypt - Auto Zone
Italy - Autobus
Spain - Autobuses y Autocares
Serbia - Autobusi.net
France - Autocar & Bus Infos
Egypt - Automobile Magazine
Portugal - Automotive
Bulgaria - Avtobusi & Microbusi
Bosnia & Herzegovina - BHbus.ba
Germany - Blickpunkt Mobility
Germany - Bus Blickpunkt
Turkey - Bus Channel HD
Ecuador - Bus Ecuador
International - Bus-News
United Kingdom - Buses Magazine
Czech Republic - Busportal.cz
Slovakia - Busportal.sk
Japan - Busrama
Norway - Bussmagasinet
Sweden - Bussmagasinett.se
International - Busworld BUSiness
Belgium - Car & Bus e-zine
France - Car & Bus News
Colombia - Carga Pesada
Finland - Charter Club
China - China Bus & Coach Yearbook
China - Chinabuses.org
United Kingdom - Cities Today
United Kingdom - Coach & Bus Week
China - Commercial Motor World
India - Commercial Vehicle
Ukraine - Commercial Vehicles Magazine
Turkey - Commercial Vehicles World
Pakistan - Daily Islamabad
Germany - Der Buskurier
Germany - Der Nahverkehr
Turkey - DevirSaati
International - Diesel Progress International
Indonesia - ecplaza
Ecuador - Ecuabus
Argentina - El Expreso TV
Türkiye - Elektrikli
chile - Espatcio
Germany - Eurobus
Ireland - Fleet Bus & Coach Magazine
International - Future Transport-News
International - Green Mobility Magazine
Türkiye - Halk Ulasim
Indonesia - Haltebus.com
International - Intelligent Transport
Turkey - ISM Publishing
Portugal - Jornal Strada
Croatia - Kamion & Bus
Bulgaria - Kamioni Avtobusi
Serbia - Kamioni.net
Russia - KTT
Argentina - Larga y Corta
Colombia - Latinobus
Algeria - Le Jeune Indépendant
France - Les Annonces Autocars
Türkiye - Magazin Ulasim
Hungary - Magyarbusz
International - Mobility Makers
Mexico - Motor a Diesel Magazine
Mexico - Motor Markets
India - Motorindia
Germany - Nahverkehrs Praxis
United States - National Bus Trader
International - New Energy Media
International - New Power Progress
Germany - Omnibusrevue
Germany - Omnibus.news
Germany - Omnibusspiegel
Netherlands - OV Magazine
Netherlands - OVPro.nl
United Kingdom - Passenger Transport
Netherlands - Personenvervoer
Portugal - Pesados E Mercadorias
Italy - Pullman
Sweden - Resforum & Trafikforum
Turkey - Sadece Otobüs
Egypt - Spark Consultancy
Germany - Stadtverkehr
International - Sustainable Bus
Netherlands - Touringcar & Bus
France - Transbus.org
Belgium - Transporama
Croatia - Transport
Slovenia - Transport & Logistika
Uruguay - Transporte Carretero
Chile - Transporte Terrestre
Belgium - Transportmedia
Slovenia - Tranzit
Romania - Tranzit Transport Persoane
Greece - Troxoi & TIR Magazine
International - Truck & Bus Builder
Brazil - Truck & Bus Builder South America
Turkey - Truck & Bus Sub Industry
Türkiye - Ulaşımın Sesi
Germany - Urban Transport Magazine
Spain - Viajeros