The biggest Bus and Coach only exhibition in the world organised its first edition in Brussels from 18 to 23 October 2019. The exhibitors, visitors, members of the press and the organising teams all agree: it’s been a great success. Busworld was bigger and better than ever.
All numbers increased: more space (50,000 to 79,000 sqm), more exhibitors (376 to 511 of which 176 were newcomers) and more visitors (37,274 to 39,798). The overall feedback was very positive, 2019 most definitely will be a milestone in Busworld’s history.
511 exhibitors came out of 37 countries with a top 3 of Turkey, Germany and China. Visitors came from 143 countries which is a significant difference in comparison with 118 countries in 2017. Busworld clearly confirmed and even reinforced its biennial international sales and networking platform for all professionals in the bus and coach industry around the world.
Redgy Deschacht, President of Busworld, reacted proudly: “Of course this is the best possible evolution for Busworld we have been working and hoping for. Edition after edition, the growth and internationalisation went hand in hand. We would not have been able to do this without the loyal support of our exhibitors.”
Due to the continuous growth of the Busworld show, it was decided to move to a bigger exhibition centre: Brussels Expo. Not all exhibitors and visitors were convinced about this idea from the start. Kortrijk Xpo was a very popular location, although it had been too small for quite a while. Today everyone is unanimous: it was the right choice.
Mieke Glorieux confirms with a big smile: “We did it! It was a lot of work and a lot of sleepless nights, but we can all be very proud of the result. I want to thank all people involved in this success: my own team, the Kortrijk Xpo team who moved to Brussels with us to organise the extra services and last but not least the Brussels Expo team, who did a tremendous job in hosting us. I am, as always, very grateful for the many exhibitors who supported us and the numerous visitors that came, more than ever, from all over the world. So in short: I am very happy!”
Although Busworld never determines a specific theme, the electrification theme developed itself naturally during this edition. Almost every bus, present inside and outside the Brussels Expo, was equipped with an electric driveline. It was all about batteries, autonomy, kWh, charging possibilities,… clearly electricity was in the air.
The Busworld Academy programme during Busworld Europe welcomed 154 speakers and 1,017 participants of which 550 in the International Bus Conference. Launched in 2013, it grew in 4 editions from 40 to over 1,000 participants in 2019.
Seminars and conferences were organized in collaboration with UITP, VIAS, ICB-institute, Ghent University, NGVA and the American Bus Association. The current hot topics in the bus industry were covered: the evolution towards autonomous buses, the implementation of Mobility as a Service and the ongoing digitalization, the way towards low and zero emission bus services, the future of SME’s in our industry, the import regulations for buses and components in the US, improving road safety via adapted infrastructure, etc.
The 550 International Bus Conference delegates visited the exhibition through thematic visits, organized by UITP.
The next edition of Busworld Europe will take place in Brussels Expo from 9 to 14 October 2021, when Busworld will celebrate its 50th birthday. Sales will open from spring 2020.