A big smile, efficiency and industry knowledge: these are the ingredients to crown themselves Miss and Mister Busworld. Julia Wills and Ali Murat are honoured to hold the coveted title for a year.
Traditionally, the Miss and Mister Busworld titles are awarded to two remarkable persons. The honour of Miss Busworld went to Julia Will of the German company OMR Omnibushandel based in Untersteinach. 'I was totally surprised when I was awarded the title. This makes me incredibly proud and happy. Of all the fairs, Busworld is the most professional fair I have experienced. There is also a family atmosphere here,' says Julia enthusiastically.
Ali Murat (52) of Otokar was crowned Mister Busworld. Ali is an established name in the bus world. '24 years of experience has given me many friends. Now I will meet even more,' says Ali. From now on, I will go through life with two identities: that of Ali and that of Mister Busworld. Maybe I should get my title tattooed,' jokes the awarded laureate.